Introducing My Canvas Work

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POMEGRANATE PATTERN -- The salmom cushion at the back of the chair on the left side.  One of the oldest patterns, this is frequently found in Early American Collections.  It has been used for purses, pillows. and chair seats, but would also be excellent for small rugs.  All stiches are worked over four threads of canvas and this pattern needs eight colours.

BYZANTINE TURRETS PATTERN -- The Beige and brown cushion at the back on the right side.  A strong pattern is achieved by the sharp contrast of light colour against a dark one.  An arrangement of light brown, occurs in some of the turrets to add interest to the pattern.  All stiches are worked over four threads of canvas and needs only three colours.

HEARTS AND DIAMONDS PATTERN -- The wine cushion on the left side.  Five shades of one-colour form this beautiful brocaded effect.  If the diamonds are worked in contrasting colour tones to silhoutte the heart shape, this design is then called 'Overlapping Pomegranation".  All stiches are worked over 4 threads of canvas.  This pattern needs five colours.

SWEDISH DIAMONDS PATTERN -- The green cushion on the right.  Four shades of green with white produce this simple diamond pattern which is frequently seen in Scandinavian embroideries.  A row of white zigzag will quickly establish the pattern.  All stiches are worked over four threads of canvas and needs 5 colours.

My Work
My Work

TYRE TRACKS PATTERN -- Four shades of one colour or as many as you want to incorporate.  These stiches are worked over four threads of canvas in steps of two with blocks of seven stiches over four threads.  Start in the centre and first to oneside and then to the other to complete an entire row.  Continue with each new row from one end to the other.

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